I Can't Lose Weight - Nothing Works For Me


We blame our genetics on a lot of things – perhaps justifiably so – but, for mainstream weight loss and fitness at least, genetics are not as powerful as we’d like to believe.

There’s a quote I always remember “the genes load the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger”.

While you MAY have genes which make it difficult for you to lose weight, get strong or gain muscle etc, you’re not doomed to failure because you can still control your environment.

The more likely issue is that you haven’t been given the right information, or support, and often, you haven’t stuck the course for long enough.

Take advice from a decent coach. Get in the gym several times a week, make sure your nutrition is correct for you and your goals, get enough sleep and manage your stress – and then keep going consistently for at least 12 weeks.

Sure, reaching goals might be harder for one person than another, but remember that the fact it’s hard does not mean you can’t do it.

If you’ve struggled to lose weight for a long time, I’d love to help you find an approach which works for you. Get in touch and we can arrange to have a cup of tea and a chat.

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