The Fitbiz Training Blog

How To Get Yourself Back On Track


If there was a competition to see how much chocolate it is possible to eat over one weekend, I really think I’d be in the winners line up, if not in the actual number one position.

And honestly, I feel yuck having over indulged!

I know I’m not the only one who feels like this after a time of being taken off course, and I also know that it can be really difficult to pick yourself up. Right now would be an easy time to allow old habits to slip back in, and to allow months of hard […]

A Fantastic Recipe For Steak Skewers


It’s been a little while since I shared a recipe with you, so I thought that now the weather seems to be cheering up a little I’d share the most delicious steak skewer recipe. You know I like a good meal and so you can trust me when I say that these are well worth trying!

This said of course, as I look out the window this morning, it feels rather optimistic to think these have any chance of making it to the BBQ over the weekend – but I’ve cooked them on a griddle before and they […]

Stress – Is It Derailing Your Efforts?


Stress – our reaction to the things that happen.

We all deal with things differently. Something which is stressful for one person, doesn’t even register for another.

In the short term and in the right dose, stress can feel like it gives us a nice boost – we feel energised, clear headed, focussed and ready to take on whatever comes at us.

An overdose of stress can lead to some pretty big negatives – disregulated blood sugar, hormone disruption, reduced immunity, poor sleep, compromised digestion, a preference to store body fat… In short, too much stress can make it harder to reach […]

A Simple Way To Improve Your Diet


Us humans love to over complicate stuff. Particularly healthy eating it seems.

More and more often these days, I receive calls from people looking for help in working out how to apply the massive amount of information they’ve accumulated. These days, most of us have a fair amount of knowledge of what healthy eating looks like – and the reason we don’t make a start is often because we’ve been bamboozled with all the information available and aren’t sure how to bring it all together.

So, let’s cut through the information overload and look at this […]

Which Is Better for Fat Loss – Cardio vs Resistance Exercise?


While it’s true that you’ll burn more calories during a cardio workout than during a resistance training workout, there are several reasons that the resistance work is still far more important.

You see, the calories that you’re using for your cardio workout stop being used as soon as you finish your workout, just like you’d expect. But, when you’re doing a resistance workout, that doesn’t happen and instead our resistance workout gives our metabolism a boost which lasts for up to 72 hours after the workout!

The other issue with using cardio workouts to […]

Some Easier Ways To Create A Calorie Deficit


In last weeks email I explained that you must be in a calorie deficit if you’re to lose weight, and I discussed several factors which influence both the energy we consume, and the energy our bodies use. These factors can explain why one person might lose weight on a certain diet, whereas someone else might not.

I said at the end of that email that you could make many of the factors work in your favour, so today, I wanted to give you some proper action points. If we can increase the energy our body needs to just stand […]

Things Which Influence The Energy Our Body Uses


There’s an indisputable truth about weight loss:

If you’re to lose weight, you must use more energy (calories) than you eat.

This is one of those statements which sound beautifully simple, but when you look deeper, becomes a little more complex because there are a huge amount of factors which influence the energy we eat, and the energy our bodies use.

Your appetite
What you’re eating plays a part in your appetite. While it is certainly true that you can lose weight by only eating Mars bars, as long as you’re eating less calories than you […]

Living For The Weekend? Gaining and Losing The Same Couple of Pounds?


Picture the scene. You’ve spent all week working hard to stick to your food plan and creating a calorie deficit with the hope of seeing the scales shift downwards at the end of the week.

Then, the weekend arrives, and you take something of a more ‘flexible approach’.

Have you ever thought about how (annoyingly) easy it is to cancel out your hard-gained calorie deficit over the weekend – and perhaps even end up in a calorie surplus?

Are you in a cycle of losing and regaining the same pound or two for months at a time?

The weekend […]

Celebrate The Small Wins


If you didn’t make it to my talk last week, you really missed out! We discussed loads of strategies to help you be in with the best chance possible of making your changes last for the long term.

I recorded the talk and I’ve uploaded it to YouTube, so, if you’d like to listen now please ask me for the link and I will gladly send it to you.

For today, let’s talk about small things. Small changes and small wins – they’re an important part of getting the results you want to see […]

Are You Free Next Tuesday Morning?


Next Tuesday, the 18th, at 10am, I’m doing a free talk via Zoom.

I’ll speak for about half an hoursend me a message and I’ll send the access details to you.

We’re going to cover:

– why 80% of people who start a diet this January will fail this year

– what you should focus on when you’re trying to change your body

– lots of strategies for making the changes work for you

– how to tune in to your body and stay mindful

– how to balance the various […]

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