The Fitbiz Training Blog

Top Tips For Making Change Stick


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Weight loss is hard. Making the changes you need to make in order to reach your goals is really difficult, especially when you’re maintaining the changes for the long term.

And while it’s been hard for a lot of reasons while we’ve been stuck at home, it’s still hard now that we’re able to meet up with people again.

So, here are my top five tips for making changes last the distance.

1) Find the goal you […]

Could This Help Your Evening Over Eating?


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Eating food you wouldn’t usually eat, in quantities you hardly remember eating, in the evenings seems a huge issue for so many of us.

We easily justify eating calories equal to a generous meal, after only just eating our dinner.

I’ve written about it fairly often, and there are still more aspects to evening overeating that we can talk about.

I do think it can be fixed. One of the many factors I’ve written about before is likely to […]

Personalising Your Fitness & Nutrition Plan


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Try my new quiz!

I don’t think losing weight, improving fitness and getting in shape should be viewed as a one-size-fits-all.

We’re all individuals, and we all have our own views of what’s easy and what’s not.

When it comes to eating well and exercising, we’ve got some aspects totally sussed and other things which would serve us well to work on.

And then, of course, there’s your […]

Why You Shouldn’t Be Hesitant To Improve Strength or Gain Muscle


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

When I use the phrase ‘improving strength’ or ‘gaining a little muscle’ while explaining the best way to prime our bodies to burn fat, there’s often something of a hesitation.

Often, strength and muscle are linked inside your mind with body builder style muscles and bulking up.

But, gaining strength doesn’t have to be about lifting heavily loaded bars or huge dumbbells; you can also build strength by practicing and perfecting a whole variety of exercises, and by adjusting variables […]

Nutrition May Be Complicated – But Eating Well Is Not.


The science of nutrition might be pretty complicated, but eating food is not.

Just eat real food.

Eat protein – at least 1g per kilo of your bodyweight every day.

Eat veggies – pretty much as many as you can cram in, of as many different types as you can manage.

Eat a portion of carbohydrates every day, especially if you’re active.

Allow most of your fat intake to come from whole food sources which also fit into another category.

Drink plenty of water.

Keep foods which don’t fall into any of the above categories (like processed food or alcohol […]

The Habit Of Over Eating


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

As you know, these email newsletters I send are written with the intention of giving you skills and information you can use to make real changes to your nutrition, fitness and health.

With this in mind, I’d like to know what you’re finding hard with respect to nutrition and exercise at the minute.

What can I send over the coming weeks which you would find helpful? 

Small things, big things – it doesn’t matter […]

Is It Good To Ache After A Workout?


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Let’s talk about muscle aches after a workout.

Is it a good thing to ache? And does it mean you haven’t worked hard enough if you don’t ache the next day?

Well, the science says that no, you definitely don’t need to ache after a workout in order to be progressing. Just because you’re not aching after yesterday’s workout does not mean it wasn’t an effective workout.

But, is the flip side true too? Have […]

Getting Back Into Exercise After A Break


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Huge numbers of people have flooded back to gyms this week. This re-opening of gyms seems to have initiated a ‘fresh start’ type feeling which has followed on to those who don’t fancy the gym for whatever reason and have made a start at a new at-home workout program.

It is not at all essential to exercise in a gym if you want to lose weight and make changes to your health and fitness. I […]

Are You Struggling To Make A Start?


All the information you need to make the changes you want to make to your body, fitness and nutrition is already available for free.

It is not a lack of knowledge that prevents us from getting off the starting line and making changes.

The trouble is that the massive amount of information available is often contradictory and so leaves us feeling unsure, confused and overwhelmed. The confused mind often chooses not to make any changes and instead to simply stay with what is comfortable and familiar. If we do manage to make some changes, we often don’t give them […]

How Much Should I Eat?


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Much is made (by me!) of the need to make sure you’re eating sufficient protein. And that is massively important, and perhaps even more so when you’re aiming to lose weight.

But, the question that follows is: how much of everything else should I eat?

Well, the first part of the answer to that question is: if you focus purely on eating until you are satisfied rather than stuffed, and only eat nutrient rich ‘real food’ when you are hungry […]

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