The Fitbiz Training Blog

Choose One Problem At A Time


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Changing your lifestyle in order to lose weight and improve your health can feel like something of a massive and overwhelming project.

The time and effort it takes to make changes can test even the most strong-willed of us, and to me, one solution is to make ONE change at a time.

Rather than trying to overhaul your entire life overnight, choose one area to focus all of your attention on improving. Often, changing one key habit is enough to unlock […]

How Much Weight Have You Gained?


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

There seem to be various numbers floating around, but apparently the average person has gained 0.6 stone during lockdown. That’s just shy of 4kg!

Apparently a third of us have gained significantly more than this too, and some of the numbers floating around are from over a month ago!

It sounds like a LOT of weight to gain doesn’t it. But, let’s break it down.

Of course there is way more to this, but it’s said that […]

Are Harder Workouts Better?


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

There is a general feeling that the harder the workout, the better it is. But this is not true.

There is a time for intense workouts – but the tough, complex workouts so often touted by the fitness industry as ‘the answer’ are beyond the capability of most of the people who sign up for them.

Time after time, I speak to clients who are fed up with the short term fixes which leave them burnt out and often injured. It doesn’t […]

In A Hurry To Get Back To Normal?


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

It feels like there’s some hint that life may start to return to normal, although we’re not there yet – there is some time now to take a look at how you want your approach to health and fitness to change for the future before your brain gets filled up with all the things it was filled up with before!

We’ve been waiting for the green light to get back on with life as it was before – but, if your […]

Are You Changing For The Better?


How is this going for you?

It’s starting to feel like there could be an end in sight to all this – perhaps we will be starting to venture out more often over the next few weeks.

If we’re being honest, we have ALL changed our usual eating and exercising habits over the last couple of months. Some things have changed for the better, and some for the worst.

Many of our previously decent diets and exercise habits have slipped. I know I have drowned some of mine in gin.

Many of us are a little apprehensive about the […]

Is It Wine O’Clock Yet?


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it  on  Facebook  or  Instagram.

Is anyone else drinking a lot more these days? It feels like an effective way to separate the day from the evening doesn’t it?

Although I must admit, I seem to be separating my day from my evening earlier and earlier….

With this in mind, I thought we should take a look at how alcohol affects how you perform and recover – and how it affects your weight loss.

Of course, it’s not rocket science to know that drinking too much […]



I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it  on  Facebook  or  Instagram.

It is important to account for this stress we are under at the minute.

The stress we are under at the minute is different to the stress we are used to, but it is still stress. We are used to being stressed from rushing around too much, but stress can come from a wide variety of different areas. Including ‘strangeness’ and uncertainty.

A lot of people I’ve spoken to lately have commented that it seems harder than ever to make changes […]

It Doesn’t Have To Be All Or Nothing


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it  on  Facebook  or  Instagram.

Think back a few months, and remember some times that you said to yourself how easy it would be to make changes to your lifestyle if you had no other commitments and were able to focus just on yourself?

Funny how we find ourselves in pretty much that time right now.

And, actually, it seems harder than ever to make changes!

Have you found yourself lately saying that you’ll ‘get back to’ making changes after all this is over?

Which will […]

It’s Ok To Slow Down. How To Structure Your Day


So, we are stuck at home for a while. And if you’re anything like me it would be all too easy to spend all morning drinking coffee, maybe going for a walk, then spending the rest of the day picking through junk food and watching rubbish on TV, perhaps marking the change from day to evening with a g&t. Or two.

Honestly, obviously aside from what’s going on outside, I’m actually quite enjoying spending more time at home with less time pressure and more opportunities to do new things. But goodness me, it would be […]

How Should I Reduce My Food Intake For Reduced Activity?


Thank you for sending me your questions for how I can help you during this time. I have plenty of ideas now for what I can write for you – but, if you do have any questions you’d like me to answer for you, please do send them over and I will gladly add them to the list!

The first question I’m going to go through is:

How Should I Food Adjust My Intake For My Newly Reduced Activity Levels?

It’s fairly obvious that less activity means you need less food.

This said, I’m not […]

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