The Fitbiz Training Blog

Would You Do Me A Favour?


We managed the Online Personal Training Demonstration video call on Saturday without a hitch – thank you to those of you who listened live, I really appreciate your support.

I did record the call, so if you missed the live call but would still like to see what Online Personal Training looks like, please let me know and I will gladly send you the recording.

Please could I ask a favour of you?

I really want to keep providing useful information to you via this mailing list.

Would you reply to this message and tell me […]

Finding Purpose In This Strange Time


Goodness me, what a time to be alive!

I think it’s important to find a bit of a counter to the, understandable, stress and anxiety we are all feeling.

Having a purpose in life – i.e. having a good reason to get up in the morning – is associated with all sorts of positive health outcomes. But since our normal lives have been restricted, it’s quite possible that your ability to fulfil your purpose has been restricted too. This can leave us feeling lost as well as stressed and anxious about the future.

Let’s face it […]

Too Nervous To Work With A Coach?


It can be really hard to take the first step in changing your lifestyle.

Actually, I think it is one of the hardest parts of the whole journey. Regardless of how uncomfortable you are with where you are right now, making a change to your lifestyle involves taking a step outside of your comfort zone.

When you’re thinking about getting help from a personal trainer, so many thoughts run through your mind.

Am I too unfit? I should do some exercise before I start.

Am I too fat? Maybe I should lose weight before I get in touch.

Is […]

My Advice On Relaxing The Rules


In the email I sent at the beginning of February, I promised a follow up to my message about what to do if you’re eating very little but not losing weight.

And then, well, I forgot. Until I was politely reminded!

So, a little later than intended, here are some thoughts on relaxing the rules.

I’ve also removed myself from my comfort zone and recorded this as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

We discussed overall calorie balance in my last message, and how eating at a deficit during the week […]

Knee Pain: Is It Your Knee At All?


Achey knees. They can be a real pain and the issue can hang around for years with no particular diagnosis.

It is likely that the pain you’re feeling in your knee is actually not really anything to do with a problem in your knee at all. Fixing knee pain often involves locating and correcting a muscle imbalance or tightness in your hips or your ankles – or both.

There are plenty of postural issues or injuries which could affect your knees, but usually the first thing to consider is whether your hips and/or ankles are able to move through […]

Eating Very Little & Still Can’t Lose Weight?


“I hardly eat anything, and I still can’t lose weight”

Do you hear yourself saying this sometimes? Heck it is a frustrating place to be!

It’s pretty normal to lose weight easily at first, and then for your weight loss to tail off over time. This is because weight loss is annoyingly un-linear, and also because you do need to adjust your intake over time in order to keep seeing the scales move. If you’re smaller, you need less food to maintain your size, and so what was a calorie deficit for you at the beginning […]

Do You Lack Willpower?


“If I had more willpower, I could stop eating so much junk”

Have you ever said, or thought this?

It’s true that you have to work at making changes, and that can be REALLY hard.

It can be interesting and useful to look at your environment as well though, and consider how making some changes there could make the willpower more easy to come by.

An example of this could be how difficult it is to avoid a couple of biscuits with your afternoon cuppa. If you’re sitting in the same place you always sit and trying to […]

No Food Is ‘Free Food’


However you want to look at losing weight, one simple truth of any program which holds a chance of success is that a calorie deficit is required.

There are a million ways to create a calorie deficit through food and exercise, and there are a million ways to make it harder or easier through specific food choices and other habits.

Losing weight really should never become a game of maths. Thank goodness, really, as maths is not my strong point. Filling your body up with the nutrients it needs is crucial for long term progress, adherence – and health.

But still […]

Three Reasons You Won’t Make Lasting Changes In January


Happy New Year! I hope you are all feeling suitably stuffed after a super Christmas!

Regardless of whether you’re feeling all ‘New Year, New You’, I think most of us feel at least a little over indulged. A couple of weeks of paying less attention to getting the right food, or simply eating more than we’ve needed, leaves us feeling bloated, lethargic and generally yuck.

If we could bottle this feeling, it would make it easy to follow through with the ideas in our heads. But the reality is that the bloated ‘over-Christmassed’ feeling passes relatively quickly […]

What Exercise To Do Over Christmas – And How To Fit It In


I pretty much never send specific exercise suggestions on this mailing list.

There is so much variation between what each of you as individuals should be doing. What your mobility is like, your fitness and whether you have much experience with exercise all has an impact on the exercises I’d suggest for you. And that’s before we start to think about how much time you have available, what types of exercise you enjoy and how much stress we ought to be adding on to you.

This all said, after my email about not gaining weight over Christmas, quite […]

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