The Fitbiz Training Blog

What’s The Cost Of Being Absent Minded?


Have you ever thought about what we give up on when we accept another biscuit, or absent mindedly pour another glass of wine?

They’re only small things, of course, and if it was pretty infrequent it would make absolutely no different at all to our weight loss quest. But, if we accept a biscuit every day, pour a second and third glass of wine every Friday and Saturday and accept a pudding every time we go out for dinner; these small bits add up annoyingly quickly.

We’re choosing temporary pleasure over our goals.
When you give in to […]

How To Make Better Choices In Restaurants


Choosing well off a menu in a restaurant is sometimes a difficult task, and in my experience, it seems to be because of several key reasons.

Firstly you’re hungry, and trying to make a good choice when you’re hungry is HARD!

Secondly you’re probably chatting away to whoever you’re eating with and so distracted from properly thinking through your choice.

Perhaps you might be a bit nervous to ask for a change or two for what you’d really like from the menu.

Finally, you’ve probably had a glass of wine or two, which clouds […]

Everything You Need To Give Fasting A Try


Seeing as it is hot and most of us are experiencing a reduced appetite, I thought it a good time to write about fasting. Perhaps this heatwave could provide a good time to give it a try, given most of us are halfway there already!

Fasting has recieved plenty of positive press over the last few years, with a big chunk of mainstream awareness being brought with the 5:2 diet.

Fasting is great for purely cutting out the calories from a meal or two – and hence reducing your intake for the day – and the benefits include reduced body weight […]

Fitting Exercise Into A Busy Life


Last week, we saw how using a menu plan can help you to eat well around a busy life, and I promised this week we would explore ways to add exercise into a busy life.

Now, when you’re rushed off your feet and stressed, I don’t think adding in a tough workout is the right thing to do.

This isn’t to say that strength training isn’t going to give you benefits, because I think it is important for almost everyone to fit strength training into their lives.

High stress levels need to be countered with plenty […]

Eating Right When You’re Busy


Fitting in eating well and exercising around a busy lifestyle can be difficult. If you don’t feel you have time to touch the ground, let alone think about what to eat, it can feel like an impossible task to make the right choices.

I see it a little differently and I’m going to explain in two parts. Today, about the food, and next week about exercise.

I think we can look at being busy and not having time to think about food as a potential positive. If you’re sitting at home all day and just trying not […]

Shoulder Pain & Exercise


I don’t know why it would be this way, but I seem to go through phases of working with clients with the same injuries.

I can go for weeks and the only injuries which will be spoken of will be back injuries.

Then, back pain will go and I’ll work with a wave of clients with knee injuries.

The pain of the moment seems to be that related to the shoulder.

I seem to naturally gravitate towards writing about food and lifestyle topics, and although hugely important, these topics are of course not the whole picture of being […]

Feeling Hay Fever-y?


Isn’t it a shame when the summer finally arrives and then we’re all full of hay fever? How boring. And actually, isn’t it just unbelievably unpleasant.

I have suffered with hay fever for years and years, yet, when I changed my diet a couple of years ago, my hay fever stopped.

Most of you know how fascinating I find nutrition, and hay fever is a topic which really highlights how nutrition truly affects absolutely everything. At first glance, it doesn’t sound like hay fever is much to do with what you’re eating, but once you […]

A Delicious Curry Recipe To Try


Recipe time!

I’ve been making this curry quite a lot lately. Its just the right amount of spice, is made with almost all store cupboard ingredients – and for some reason I always seem to have half a tin of coconut milk and half a carton of passata in the fridge, so it makes good use of them!

This is slightly adapted from the red Real Meal Revolution recipe book, which I think is probably my favourite recipe book ever.

Its going to take you about 15 minutes in total to prepare this and around half an hour for it […]

Can Alcohol Form Part Of A Healthy Lifestyle


Well, I must admit it was rather nerve wracking watching to see how many of you would vote for me with your clicks last week! Thank you for sticking around; I’m glad to hear you enjoy the things I send to you.

If there is anything you would like to read about, please do let me know; I am always open to suggestions.

The question of today is ‘would I be healthier if I stopped drinking’?

Boozy drinks seem to show up a fair bit during our week – a glass of wine to mark the end of the day […]

Have You Ruined Your Metabolism?


Is it possible to actually slow down your metabolism by long-term dieting?

Can you make your body burn less calories?

Is starvation mode something which really happens?

Lets answer the starvation mode question straight away – no. It does not really happen. Your body does not get fatter because you are eating too little. Good. Let’s move on.

As for whether you can truly ruin your metabolism and make your body burn less calories, the answer is also no, you cannot truly ruin your metabolism. But, you can make it slower (or just appear slower) – and you can make […]

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