The Fitbiz Training Blog

Do You Need To Join The Gym If You Want To Do Strength Exercise?


There are all sorts of reasons you might not fancy joining a gym, but, do you need to bite the bullet if you want to do resistance workouts? Do you need the equipment in the gym if you’re to make decent strength gains?

Well, with 16 years experience in designing home workout programs, I’m here to let you know that it is absolutely possible to improve your strength at home!

One of the biggest benefits of exercising at home is the convenience. Not only does the time you have to commit to your workout reduce because of not […]

Struggling To Lose Belly Fat?


Are you struggling to lose fat from your middle?

It’s the most common area for people to want to lose weight from, yet it is also the most stubborn area to see progress.

So, here are some ideas for where to focus your attention:

If your diet isn’t right, you’re going to struggle to get your belly fat to shift.

So, make sure you’re mostly eating whole, real foods with plenty of protein and veggies, and are keeping super processed food to a minimum. Make sure you’re doing this at least 80 […]

Why Being Restrictive Doesn’t Work


First up, if you haven’t already, please come and join my new Facebook Group – it’s full of practical advice and ideas to think about when working on your health and fitness.

I meet quite a lot of people who feel that if they can just get their weight loss going by being ‘super strict’ or by following some kind of restrictive or diet for a short time, that they’d then be able to revert to a more moderate approach and continue to lose weight in a healthier way.

But, nine times out of ten this doesn’t […]

Are You Ever Too Old To Strength Train?


Most of us would benefit from strength training, although one could argue that the importance becomes greater with age.

As we age, the amount of muscle we have on our bodies naturally reduces, and this means that our strength reduces too.

Of course, that means changes to your figure, but more importantly a reduction in muscle mass and strength also means decreased motor control and balance – which then means higher chances of falling.

I believe that with strength training, we can reduce your risk of injury in general by maintaining and improving your strength and coordination.

Then we can think […]

The Benefits Of Resistance Training


First up, if you haven’t already, please come and join my new Facebook Group – it’s full of practical advice and ideas to think about when working on your health and fitness.

There are so many benefits to using resistance training. If you keep generally active as much as you can, and have time to fit in one kind of structured workout, then resistance training has to be it – it has the most broad spectrum benefits… In fact, when we lay out the benefits of resistance work, it really shows how true this is.

Mental Health
This […]

Is It Necessary To Count Calories If You Want To Lose Weight?


Is it important, or even necessary, to track your calories and macros if you’re aiming to lose weight?

Short answer: no.

Longer answer:

Sometimes tracking the numbers can be helpful – it can help you to keep track of what you’re eating, it can help you to keep your head in the game, and it can also give you confidence that you’re both reducing your intake yet still eating enough.

Likewise, when you’re trying to lose weight, although reducing your intake is definitely necessary, it is also important that you eat enough protein in order to avoid […]

How Does Aerobic Exercise Fit In?


I’m often talking about the importance of resistance training for fitness, health and weight loss, and that is absolutely the best place to focus your exercise efforts.

Resistance training should be your priority.

But there is some benefit to adding in aerobic exercise too.

Make sure you choose something you enjoy though – don’t look only at the calorie burn and instead also consider what you’ll be able to maintain long term.

If you love a nice long walk on the flat, that’s great. If you prefer to do something that feels a bit more like exercise […]

Getting Back On Track


You have to love the Easter come down.

We’ve all enjoyed some chocolate this weekend, or at least, I hope you have.

There’s nothing wrong with a bit of chocolate here and there – it’s not going to affect anything in the long term, and actually, it’s hard to gain actual fat over a day or two because our bodies have some wonderful ways of dealing with the extra calories for a short while. You’ll probably see some extra weight on the scales, but only a very small amount of it will be fat, and it […]

Here’s Something I Hear Often


Something I often hear:

“I don’t actually know what a healthy diet looks like anymore”

There is SO much information available.

A lot of it is conflicting.

Is it any wonder you’re confused!

Here’s how I help clients filter through the noise and find an approach which works for them long term:

First, we talk about your situation – your history with diet and exercise, what you hope to achieve, your lifestyle, your preferences and what you can realistically commit to.

We’ll use that information to build a plan which is personal to you.

We won’t […]

The Impact of Meal Timing on Fat Loss


Our brains love overthinking things.

And food timing around exercise is an area a lot of us overthink.

We can be sold into the mindset that having eaten, or having not eaten, is a reason that the exercise we were planning is not going to be as effective.

But I’m here to tell you to just simply get on with what you’d planned regardless of how you timed your last meal because it’s really not going to make a massive difference either way.

Unless you’re about to do some kind of activity which requires a good […]

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