The Fitbiz Training Blog

I Can’t Lose Weight – Nothing Works For Me


We blame our genetics on a lot of things – perhaps justifiably so – but, for mainstream weight loss and fitness at least, genetics are not as powerful as we’d like to believe.

There’s a quote I always remember “the genes load the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger”.

While you MAY have genes which make it difficult for you to lose weight, get strong or gain muscle etc, you’re not doomed to failure because you can still control your environment.

The more likely issue is that you haven’t been given the right information, or support, and […]

Perimenopause and Sleep


It’s no secret that menopause can play havoc with your sleep quality. As we transition through menopause, our levels of oestrogen and progesterone in particular are declining. And this can affect our bodies sleep / wake cycle, also known as our circadian rhythm.

But sleep disturbances are not ONLY caused by our hormones. You do have some power over the situation, and how you experience it too.

Start by noticing what you’re feeling, and treating yourself with kindness. Remember also that you’re not alone. Send some kind thoughts to other women having the same experiences as you, and […]

Why I Won’t Write A Meal Plan For You


Sometimes, a client will ask me if I will write them a meal plan – and I always say no.

Why is that?

Being given a meal plan seems to be a common thing, and it feels like it should give you a fast track to success – so why would I refuse?

Well, I would much rather arm you with the information you need in order to make better decisions, than simply tell you what to do. Developing this autonomy is crucial because part of the process of losing weight and improving your health needs to involve figuring out how to […]

Another Reason Strength Training Is Great


There was a really interested study published about the remarkable effects of strength training which showed that just three seconds of resistance work a day was enough to cause measurable strength gains. Isn’t that incredible!

Now, before you start thinking you’ve found your new exercise routine, remember that this probably isn’t how you should exercise and this 3 second workout probably wouldn’t continue to provide improvements forever – but, this study does highlight the amazing effects of strength work.

It reassures you that if you were to create a routine of 45 minutes strength training even twice […]

Do You Need Intense Workouts To Get Fit?


When I suggest you improve your fitness, what image flashes through your mind?

I imagine it’s a hard and fast workout which leaves you gasping for breath and dripping with sweat on the floor.

It seems that these types of workouts have become what it means to be fit.

And if this is how you think you have to exercise if you want to lose weight and get fit, then I have excellent news for you – these kinds of workouts are not essential!

Often I find myself conveying the importance of resistance exercise, and this is because resistance exercise […]

Are You Increasing Your Health & Fitness ‘Savings’ – Or Spending Them?


Losing weight and getting fit is hard for a variety of reasons.

One of the reasons is that there is a cost to reaching your goal.

Choices have to be made, and while I don’t believe you have to deny yourself any fun, there will be times where you have to make the right decision and not the decision you’d like to make.

But, there is also a cost to NOT staying fit and lean.

I like to think of health and fitness as a bank balance. There’s no need to eat a perfect diet 100% of […]

Menopause: Four Key Basics To Put In Place


Menopause seems to have come into the spotlight recently, and finally there is more good quality information available.

But, as with everything, a huge amount of information often overwhelms us. And while menopause certainly can be complicated, there are some key basics which are an important place to begin.

Self care is super important during menopause, and making sure we’re eating well and getting the right nutrients as well as adapting some lifestyle habits can provide long lasting benefits and make the transition through menopause easier.

So, here are four key things to put in place as the foundation […]

Benefits Only A Personal Trainer Can Provide


All the information you need in order to achieve all your goals in life – health and fitness or otherwise – is already available, for free.

The difficult bit is sifting through the huge amounts of information and deciding which bits apply to you, and how to apply them.

I’ve worked with so many people who feel like they know what they need to do, but haven’t managed to make it stick until we’ve sat together and put everything into a logical order.

This, I feel, is where working with a personal trainer is invaluable. I don’t think […]

Some Thoughts On Calorie Counts On Menus


Bigger and chain restaurants now have to list calorie counts on their menus.

Have you had experience of the new menu styles yet? What do you think to the idea?

For me, there are some positives and some negatives.

I think for those of us who aren’t Bridget Jones and don’t know calorie counts better than the alphabet, it might be quite eye opening to see the calories for some of our favourite meals out. Wagamama is a great example of this – how is it even possible for a plate of noodles to near 1000 calories a portion […]

Good, General, Targets for Improving Your Health & Fitness


When we’re aiming to lose weight and improve our health and fitness, there are few absolutes – but below, I’m going to share some good general targets to put in place to get yourself started.

You might find that you’re only falling short on a couple, or you might find that most of the areas could do with some work. Either way, brush up on the places which need attention and I think you’ll notice everything gets easier from there.

The reason we look at all these areas is because they all link together. For example, it […]

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