Mindset Archives | Fitbiz Training

Aching After Starting a New Workout?


Are you feeling achey after starting a new exercise routine – or even just doing something different to usual?

It’s probably something called DOMS.

It usually comes on about 12-24 hours after your workout or activity.

It can be really quite painful and alarming if you’re not expecting it, but it usually starts to reduce on the second day and will gradually decrease over the following three days.

I think there might some individual variation to the chances of you experiencing muscle ache. I’ve worked with clients who get DOMS super easily, and clients who never seem […]

Focus on Your Actions


Sticking with the theme of finding better ways to measure your success than analysing yourself in the mirror or standing on the scales, here’s another idea:

Focus on your actions, rather than the outcomes.

Of course, we’re usually looking for an outcome from the effort we put in to our health and fitness.

But ultimately, we cannot absolutely control what the outcome will be.

We know that by getting fitter, improving our mobility and eating more healthily, we’re going to head in the right direction – in fact, I’d argue that it would be impossible not to […]

Track These Areas Instead of Relying on the Scales


Following on from my last email about the shortcomings of using only the scales and mirror to gauge your progress towards your goals.

I have some better, simple, ideas for what you should assess in order to see how you’re doing. These areas should consistently improve as you go along – and they should stay around for the long term too.

This makes them really effective, encouraging and accurate at showing you how you’re doing. If one area isn’t improving, or starts heading backwards, then it’s a sign that you need to adapt you plan to get […]

Diet & Exercise At Christmas


Discussing how to approach your diet and exercise routine over Christmas is a conversation I’m having a lot with clients at the minute.

It feels like quite a big topic, perhaps because I don’t think there’s really a right answer to how you “should” approach things.

How do you feel about your diet and exercise routine over the next few weeks?

Are you looking forward to a break? Perhaps you’re resigned to a break?

Perhaps you’re worried that the inevitability of all the tasty, extra calories and the ease with which you could avoid exercise […]

What’s YOUR Definition of Fit & Healthy?


How do YOU interpret “fit and healthy”?

Is it a particular look? A feeling? Something more specific?

For most of us, while losing a few pounds might be rather welcome, the bigger picture of what we want to achieve is more practical.

Think for a minute about the videos you see on social media from personal trainers and the like. Have you noticed how they’re almost always super-toned, mega-fit, live-and-breathe exercise people demonstrating exercises which would hospitalise most of us mere mortals?

Perhaps I’m being a bit flippant, but really – I think we are […]

The Most Impactful Things You Can Do For Your Health


I’m a fan of keeping things as simple as possible. And, most of the time for most people, getting the basics right will get you most of the way to your goals.

And yet, we’re always drawn to believing that we need to do something “more”.

Whether it’s trying a particularly strict diet, following an intense workout routine, taking particular supplements or collecting data about ourselves with gadgets and apps, we always feel that more is better. And we often end up bamboozled with too much to do, or too much information, which leads to an on […]

What Do You Need For Your Body To Change?


We all want quick results from our weight loss plan. We, quite reasonably, want to see confirmation that the effort we’re putting in is worth it.

But this can draw us to unnecessarily extreme diets, which might work in the short term if you can battle your way through, but in the longer term simply make the weight loss harder to come by.

So with this in mind, these are my top tips for getting your body to change without doing anything extreme.

In fact, despite the fact that they’re not going to be anything you haven’t […]

Losing Weight When Life Is Busy


It’s really easy to fall off the wagon when life is busy, but I have some tips for you to help you keep heading towards your weight loss goals when time is short.

Don’t seek perfection
This applies to both diet and exercise. Keep turning up and doing the best you can today.

Plan in advance
Note down a few breakfasts, lunches and snacks which you can keep the ingredients for at home. Don’t over complicate your choices – just remember how important both protein and fibre are, and how many excess calories you can save by simply […]

Gaining a Long Term Relationship with Exercise


I think that the way we approach exercise has a bearing on how likely we are to create a long term relationship with it.

Let’s think about how most people approach exercise.

It’s with a dislike of a particular body part, a desire to punish themselves for whatever sins against body-perfection they feel they have committed. Often the exercise routine is either “full speed ahead” or “totally off” – there’s usually no middle ground with this approach.

It’s quite a stressful situation from all angles.

It’s not really using exercise as a partner to improve […]

Losing Weight From A Particular Area


So many of us have a particular area in mind when we talk about wanting to lose weight. For some, it’s the thighs, for others, it’s the stomach – and so on.

Is there a magic trick for getting these particular areas to lean out more quickly?

Unfortunately, when we lose body fat, we can’t really choose where the fat comes from – and so you’ve got to lose body fat throughout your whole body.

The other unfortunate truth is that the place you store the most fat is also likely the place the fat seems to go […]

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