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Too Nervous To Work With A Coach?


It can be really hard to take the first step in changing your lifestyle.

Actually, I think it is one of the hardest parts of the whole journey. Regardless of how uncomfortable you are with where you are right now, making a change to your lifestyle involves taking a step outside of your comfort zone.

When you’re thinking about getting help from a personal trainer, so many thoughts run through your mind.

Am I too unfit? I should do some exercise before I start.

Am I too fat? Maybe I should lose weight before I get in touch.

Is […]

Do You Lack Willpower?


“If I had more willpower, I could stop eating so much junk”

Have you ever said, or thought this?

It’s true that you have to work at making changes, and that can be REALLY hard.

It can be interesting and useful to look at your environment as well though, and consider how making some changes there could make the willpower more easy to come by.

An example of this could be how difficult it is to avoid a couple of biscuits with your afternoon cuppa. If you’re sitting in the same place you always sit and trying to […]

Three Reasons You Won’t Make Lasting Changes In January


Happy New Year! I hope you are all feeling suitably stuffed after a super Christmas!

Regardless of whether you’re feeling all ‘New Year, New You’, I think most of us feel at least a little over indulged. A couple of weeks of paying less attention to getting the right food, or simply eating more than we’ve needed, leaves us feeling bloated, lethargic and generally yuck.

If we could bottle this feeling, it would make it easy to follow through with the ideas in our heads. But the reality is that the bloated ‘over-Christmassed’ feeling passes relatively quickly […]

How To Build Confidence In Reaching Your Goal


What is the best way to inject some confidence into ourselves when making what could be a pretty significant lifestyle change?

The first thing is to start with changes which are so easy, it’s almost impossible not to make them.

What do you need to do this week to take you a step closer to your overall goal? How confident are you that you CAN do those things?

Note that there is a difference between “I can do that” and “there’s no real reason I shouldn’t be able to do that”.

If you’re not completely convinced […]

How Not To Gain Weight Over Christmas


If you’ve done really well all year, it’s too easy to feel anxious about undoing your hard work over Christmas.

Likewise, if you haven’t done so well – it is also easy to feel anxious about increasing the height of the mountain you need to climb in January!

Reality check time.

Remember that months of hard work is not undone by two days of overeating. Of course it’ll put you back for a couple of days, but it will not undo what you have already achieved.

Really, Christmas Day and Boxing Day are going to involve a […]

The Scales: Do They Fluctuate To Torment Us?


I feel, at least in part, the answer to that is: yes.

Why else would they not always represent the work you’ve put in? Why is it that you can eat utter rubbish on Saturday, then lose half a kilo by Sunday morning. And why can you eat like an advert for healthy living for a week straight, then gain weight!


The first thing to remember is that weirdly low and weirdly high weigh-ins are probably just that – weird. They have absolutely nothing to do with your overall progress and are not an indication that you gained […]

Is Stress An Issue For You?


We all have a definition of stress inside our minds, and it’s something along the lines of the feeling of overwhelm you get from having too much to do, or feeling under pressure for some reason or another.

These are both correct definitions of stress, but actually, stress comes from a lot more places than you might have considered.

How about the stress your body is under when something (or someone!) upsets you, for example? It’s also stressful to your body when it isn’t getting the nutrition it needs, or if you’re dehydrated, not getting enough […]

The Single Most Effective First Change You Can Make To The Way You Eat


Last week we looked at three habits you could put in place in order to get your fat loss, but what if you found yourself feeling like you needed a smaller step to get you started?

If I could only give one nutrition tip to someone right at the beginning of their journey with no particular knowledge of the fitness world, it would be this:

Eliminate all processed food.

That’s it.


Well, aside from the fact that processed food is basically not very healthy, it is actually designed to override your bodies natural satiety signals. This means, that […]

What If You Have No Off-Switch?


Last week I wrote about how you can look at your food intake across a whole week rather than as a daily amount.

I said that you could take the appeal off ‘special food’ by allowing yourself a little of it a little more often, but that there are some foods which we just have no off-switch for, no matter what we try.

The truth is that there are no bad foods.

There are some foods you should satisfy your hunger with (real food!) and some you need to keep to a minimum (processed food) in order to keep […]

A Slightly Different Way of Keeping An Eye On What You Eat


Do you eat pretty well Monday to Friday and then go bonkers at the weekend?

Have you considered the fact that it’s most likely going to be Tuesday or Wednesday before you have lost the few pounds of weight you gained over the weekend (which almost certainly won’t actually be fat) and got back to where you were on Friday, and that you are cutting the available time to make progress towards your goal to only two or three days of the week? It’s a bit of a thought when you think it through like this, isn […]