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What To Do When The Novelty Wears Off


When you first change your diet and start an exercise program, it’s fun – you get to go shopping for different food, you get to search for and try out new recipes, you get excited noticing all the changes which happen pretty quickly… and, because it’s new, it’s your main focus!

But then, life gets in the way. Your focus shifts and, since your brain doesn’t have capacity to focus on everything all the time, you fall off the wagon. Everyone does. It’s very, very unusual for someone to make a big and permanent change to […]

Just Start – Right Now!


Despite there being 365 perfectly good days a year to start your quest to improved health and weight loss, for some reason, a Monday feels like the best time. I can see that; it’s a fresh week, and it always feels good to start at the beginning of something. It’s a fresh start – a chance to start as you wish to carry on.

Have you ever considered, though, that this cuts your available days to make a change quite significantly. You now only have 52 days of the year you could make a start.

Then, you add in […]

The Peak Of The January Blues


Today is apparently ‘Blue Monday’ – the third Monday of the new year is apparently the peak day for us to experience a low mood.

After all the busy-ness and excitement of Christmas, many of us feel tired, drained and overwhelmed; and not really in the mood to be bombarded with constant messages of New Years Resolutions and the idea that we need to somehow better ourselves by adding more commitments to our already packed lives.

Christmas is usually a period of over indulgence – more sugar, more alcohol, more everything; except perhaps, exercise!

Then, January rolls around and we have […]

Five Things You Can Do Today To Get January Off To A Good Start


So, the kids are back at school, the Christmas tree is down, a remarkable amount of glitter has been hoovered up and there’s that nice feeling of being able to make a fresh start with the new year.

Sadly, we can’t bottle that lovely feeling, so here are five things you can do today to take advantage of it and get 2019 off to a great start.

Don’t over-commit
When the fresh-start feeling strikes, it’s too easy to think this time will be different and you’ll be able to get up […]

How Should You Eat Over Christmas?


Around this time of year, I tend to get a lot of questions about food and Christmas.

My answer is usually the same. One day of eating off-track is not going to make any difference in the long run. If you’re going to eat off-track, do it consciously and feel no guilt!

But as we all know, Christmas Day itself isn’t even the half of it. Add in the Advent calendar chocolate, the coffee shop Christmas specials, a few mince pies, several glasses of mulled wine and the leftovers after Christmas – you can easily have put […]

How What You Eat Affects How You Think


Our brain.

I like to call him Brian. Brian the brain.

Yes, I’m probably a little bonkers, but if you take a minute to think about the decisions our brain is making for us on autopilot, it seems like there is a separate person inside our heads.

In my last email, we looked at the way the brain makes automatic decisions about whether we need to be paying attention to something, and how difficult it is to make the conscious (slow) part of our brain make the decision rather than the automatic (fast) part of our brain.

Today, I […]

The Oura Ring – A Fun Gadget For Health Tracking


I was very excited to see an Oura ring on Prince Harry’s finger last week, how very exciting! I’ve been wearing an Oura for the last 18 months and it is a fabulous bit of kit!

Primarily, it’s a tool for assessing recovery. It’s a bit of a nerd-gadget and goes way further than the more well known Apple Watch and Fitbit. If you love information and playing around with the actions you take and seeing the response your body has, Oura would be fun for you, and seeing the results of your good efforts […]

Why Behaviour Change Is Hard


Among the things which interest me is how we make changes – why is it that one person can make a change but another struggles hugely with the same change. What is the difference? And how can we make change easier for everyone?

There are some really interesting things about the brain which explain why we find it difficult to make lasting changes.

There is an area in the thalamus part of our brain called the habenula. Its like a scoreboard, counting the failures we’ve had while trying to change our behaviours – its this scoreboard which is responsible for our […]

What’s The Cost Of Being Absent Minded?


Have you ever thought about what we give up on when we accept another biscuit, or absent mindedly pour another glass of wine?

They’re only small things, of course, and if it was pretty infrequent it would make absolutely no different at all to our weight loss quest. But, if we accept a biscuit every day, pour a second and third glass of wine every Friday and Saturday and accept a pudding every time we go out for dinner; these small bits add up annoyingly quickly.

We’re choosing temporary pleasure over our goals.
When you give in to […]

Everything You Need To Give Fasting A Try


Seeing as it is hot and most of us are experiencing a reduced appetite, I thought it a good time to write about fasting. Perhaps this heatwave could provide a good time to give it a try, given most of us are halfway there already!

Fasting has recieved plenty of positive press over the last few years, with a big chunk of mainstream awareness being brought with the 5:2 diet.

Fasting is great for purely cutting out the calories from a meal or two – and hence reducing your intake for the day – and the benefits include reduced body weight […]