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The Great News About Being New To Exercise!


I’ve added a bit of a “part two” to this won the Facebook group – if you’d like to read it, you can read it here. See the post from 26th September 2023.

Getting started with a structured exercise routine can be a different experience to, say, getting into the habit of going for a regular walk.

The routine is only one part; it often feels like there’s a lot to learn – associating the names of exercises with the how-to can feel like you’re learning a new language!

But the great news when you’re starting […]

Are Your Habits & Routines Helping You Reach Your Goals?


You can’t help but have habits and routines. Often, they happen naturally – I don’t think they can be avoided!

But the habits you have and the routines you put in place for yourself have the ability to make or break your health and fitness journey, and so, I think it is worth creating some well thought out routines too.

You see, your habits and routines can either distract you and create all kinds of mental battles, or they can help you achieve your goals.

Good routines are not restrictive, they actually provide freedom from the emotional turmoil of […]

Exercise Benefits in TWO Minutes?!


Would you like to join in with my pre-workout mobility session? Join the Facebook group to find out how.

A recent study shows that as little as TWO MINUTES of vigorous exercise a day can reduce the incidence of cancer.

Of course, it also showed that the more exercise completed, the greater the reduction.

We’ve seen similar studies before demonstrating huge benefits to different types of exercises done in small amounts but with high intensity.

There are all sorts of considerations to take into account when designing a workout program BUT if your aim is to improve your […]

Is Your Mindset Helping You?


I listened to an interesting conversation a few weeks ago which made me think.

When you begin working on your health and fitness, it’s helpful to go into it with the right mindset.

For me, whatever your goal, the right mindset is an open one with the overall aim of figuring out how to make the changes you’re making last, and fit into your life for the long term.

This means experimenting and learning – because you’ll never get everything right, right from the get go. And things will never be perfect 100% of the time either!

An […]

It’s Ok To Just Go Through The Motions Sometimes


We often feel that if we can’t turn up to our workout ready to give 100%, then we shouldn’t bother at all – and that if we’re not sweating or pushing ourselves, then we’re not achieving anything.

But this is just not true.

If you’re tired, in pain, or just simply not in the mood, 99.9% of the time, you’re still best to turn up to your workout and do what you can.

While sometimes it IS a good idea to take some rest, it’s more often true that doing a bit of […]

Why Being Restrictive Doesn’t Work


First up, if you haven’t already, please come and join my new Facebook Group – it’s full of practical advice and ideas to think about when working on your health and fitness.

I meet quite a lot of people who feel that if they can just get their weight loss going by being ‘super strict’ or by following some kind of restrictive or diet for a short time, that they’d then be able to revert to a more moderate approach and continue to lose weight in a healthier way.

But, nine times out of ten this doesn’t […]

Is It Necessary To Count Calories If You Want To Lose Weight?


Is it important, or even necessary, to track your calories and macros if you’re aiming to lose weight?

Short answer: no.

Longer answer:

Sometimes tracking the numbers can be helpful – it can help you to keep track of what you’re eating, it can help you to keep your head in the game, and it can also give you confidence that you’re both reducing your intake yet still eating enough.

Likewise, when you’re trying to lose weight, although reducing your intake is definitely necessary, it is also important that you eat enough protein in order to avoid […]

Getting Back On Track


You have to love the Easter come down.

We’ve all enjoyed some chocolate this weekend, or at least, I hope you have.

There’s nothing wrong with a bit of chocolate here and there – it’s not going to affect anything in the long term, and actually, it’s hard to gain actual fat over a day or two because our bodies have some wonderful ways of dealing with the extra calories for a short while. You’ll probably see some extra weight on the scales, but only a very small amount of it will be fat, and it […]

Here’s Something I Hear Often


Something I often hear:

“I don’t actually know what a healthy diet looks like anymore”

There is SO much information available.

A lot of it is conflicting.

Is it any wonder you’re confused!

Here’s how I help clients filter through the noise and find an approach which works for them long term:

First, we talk about your situation – your history with diet and exercise, what you hope to achieve, your lifestyle, your preferences and what you can realistically commit to.

We’ll use that information to build a plan which is personal to you.

We won’t […]

The Impact of Meal Timing on Fat Loss


Our brains love overthinking things.

And food timing around exercise is an area a lot of us overthink.

We can be sold into the mindset that having eaten, or having not eaten, is a reason that the exercise we were planning is not going to be as effective.

But I’m here to tell you to just simply get on with what you’d planned regardless of how you timed your last meal because it’s really not going to make a massive difference either way.

Unless you’re about to do some kind of activity which requires a good […]