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Improving The Difficult Things


It sounds obvious.

But, if you want to make progress, you’ve got to do the things you’re not already doing.

Of course, eating vegetables is good for you, but if you already eat plenty of veggies, the route to your goal doesn’t involve focussing on your veggie intake.

Likewise, if you’re already walking lots, the route to your goal doesn’t involve getting even more general activity.

Instead, we have to look at the things you’re not doing for whatever reason.

We don’t have to be perfect when we’re aiming to lose weight […]

Don’t Throw In The Towel Until You’ve Read This!


First up, if you haven’t already, please come and join my new Facebook Group – it’s full of practical advice and ideas to think about when working on your health and fitness.

We often hold ourselves to very high standards when it comes to our diet and exercise routines.

If we’re not seeing what we want to see – or if we’re not seeing it as quickly as we would like – we often throw in the towel and quit.

We end up with a bit of an ‘all or nothing’ approach, which can look a bit like yo […]

Are You (Unintentionally!) Ignoring Your Progress?


First up, if you haven’t already, please come and join my new Facebook Group – it’s full of practical advice and ideas to think about when working on your health and fitness.

If your goal is to lose weight, and you’re only focussing on what the scales tell you – I think you might be selling yourself short.

You see, when you’re eagerly seeking weight loss, it can be easy to get disheartened when you don’t see an immediate change on the scales.

We can become convinced that nothing is changing, and this can contribute in no […]

Can You Avoid Boredom


Being bored is one of the many reasons people give up on their diet and exercise routines. Have you ever given up due to boredom?

Trying to motivate yourself to do something boring is definitely difficult – but, there are plenty of things in life that we find boring but do anyway. Yet, it seems more difficult to do something we find boring when it is entirely for ourselves.

I’m afraid that I don’t have any life-changing advice for you here which is going to magically make every workout and every meal rivetingly exciting.

But, there are a […]

Countering The Most Miserable Day Of The Year


Monday is apparently the most miserable day of the year – the third Monday in January has been marked out by science as the most rubbish day of the year, every year.

Whether you go with this particular date or not, we do seem to universally agree that January and February are the least fun months of the year. The days are short, the weather is cold and miserable and the long days and warm weather seem a long way away.

Which brings me onto the positive impacts of exercise for mental health.

Have you ever really thought about how much […]

New Year’s Resolutions – Are You Over Committing?


Happy New Year!

I hope you’ve all enjoyed a Christmas break.

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions?

Aren’t they FUN! We feel like we’ve already achieved something by writing them down!

Remember though that we’re making these grand plans for the year ahead off the back of two weeks of doing not a lot, having eaten in a different way to usual and having been in a different routine to usual.

This different perspective means it’s easy to forget that that ‘urgh I need to eat better’ feeling goes very quickly, as well […]

Let Good Enough be Good Enough


Do you feel like you’re either ‘being good’ or ‘eating badly’ with very little in between?

Please take this as your annual reminder that sometimes good enough is, well, good enough!

Many people feel a sense of dread when they think about the food and drink around at Christmas. Some even go as far as avoiding certain events so they don’t lose control over what they’re eating. I think this is a real shame, I’d really like to help you avoid that feeling this year.

I’d like you to remember that we eat for lots […]

How To Get Motivated


First up, have you joined the new Facebook group yet? If not, please do – this week I’ve written about Christmas and the benefits of cold!

Today, let’s look at discipline.

It is THE answer to staying consistent with your plan. It’s the thing which will make you stick to your routine even when you don’t want to. It means you’re not hanging on to your willpower hoping you feel the urge to do the things you need to do, and instead, you just do them because you have an internal motivation to do it.

For […]

The Minimum Effective Dose


First up, have you joined the new Facebook group yet? If not, please do – this week I’ve written about calorie counting and whether it is important, and how to deal with mid-afternoon tiredness.

Now, for today, let’s talk about the importance of the minimum effective dose.

Sometimes, when we use the phrase ‘minimum effective dose’ it sounds a bit like a bad thing, but actually, I think it might be the only correct answer, especially when it comes to nutrition and exercise.

Imagine you want to lose a few pounds. You know that at its most simple […]

My New Favourite Statistic


I posted something in the new Facebook group last week which is my new favourite fact.

Apparently the average age we feel the happiest with our bodies is… 74!

I love this. So many people spend so much of their life feeling unhappy in their bodies and I think this statistic has the potential to free us from this feeling.

While the tide is definitely changing and images we are shown are more ‘real’ and less airbrushed, a huge majority of us still feel the pressure to look a certain way and to be able to maintain the same look […]