Nutrition Archives | Fitbiz Training


I hear creatine is gaining popularity as a supplement, so I thought it would be handy to write about it so you can make an informed decision as to whether it’s something which might benefit you.

Creatine has been around for a very long time, it’s one of the most well researched and effective supplements for improving exercise performance and has long been taken by people who want this.

Now, it’s gaining popularity as a supplement for everyone because of its potential non-exercise based benefits.

The benefits of creatine are vast, but there is less research […]

Do You Get Up In The Night To Eat?


Do you get up during the night to eat?

Apparently, for those who do, the average overnight caloric intake is 700 calories.

That’s a lot of calories, especially if you’re looking to lose weight. You could easily be eating back your calorie deficit overnight, or even pushing the balance into weight gain.

But, if you do get up in the night to eat, I suspect you might already know that!

So, the question becomes: why do you get up in the night to eat?

Well, while the answer to this will vary person to person, I have some […]

Something You Might Not Have Thought Of


Do you drink while you’re eating in order to wash your food down?

Perhaps it’s worth reconsidering this.

If you can eat your meals without drinking, you’ll find it slows your eating down.

Its great to eat more slowly for various reasons.

Thinking about weight loss, one great reason is that it takes a while for your body to let you know that you’ve eaten enough. So, if you’ve eaten slowly, you’re less likely to have over eaten before you get the signal.

Next, eating more slowly means better digestion. Your digestion works best […]

Tasty Food For Weight Loss


If you want to lose weight, you are allowed to eat tasty food!

I LOVE good food. I enjoy choosing, shopping for and preparing a nice meal.

As I’ve said before, a meal that looks good and tastes good is more satisfying than a meal made up with the same calories and nutrients but which looks a mess and isn’t especially tasty.

Likewise, herbs and spices add calorie free flavour – and a surprising amount of extra nutrition too.

Remember that any real food is healthy food.

You don’t need to survive on plain chicken and broccoli if […]

About Plant Points


I quite like the idea of plant points.

It’s something which the American Gut Project came up with a while ago and which seems to be gaining popularity lately.

I like the concept of focussing on increasing your intake of certain foods, and allowing the less preferable foods to naturally reduce. This is an approach I’ve used with clients for years.

Now, first up: plant points do NOT mean that eating plant based is the way to go.

(In fact, I’ll be posting something about this in the Facebook Group next week)

Protein is really important and […]

My Three Step Strategy For Beating Cravings


Cravings. They can be a mega beast can’t they – the de-railer of many a plan, and something that can lead to an on and off cycle with heading towards your goals.

It’s a topic of such interest and importance to so many of us that I would like to show you my clear, three step plan to help you overcome your cravings for good. I’ll be explaining it in a free video talk on 20th October at 10am.

This is not a quick fix type of plan. It might even be things you’ve […]

What Supplements Should I Take?


Let me begin by confirming that I am not about to try to sell you a particular brand of supplements, as is usually the case with these kinds of articles!

As you might imagine, I get asked about supplements a lot. It can be quite a confusing area, and there are a lot of supplements out there which can and do help, but there are also plenty which are unlikely to offer any benefits!

It’s also worth considering the reason you’re looking for a supplement which can add another thing to consider. This doesn’t mean the benefit […]

Why I Won’t Write A Meal Plan For You


Sometimes, a client will ask me if I will write them a meal plan – and I always say no.

Why is that?

Being given a meal plan seems to be a common thing, and it feels like it should give you a fast track to success – so why would I refuse?

Well, I would much rather arm you with the information you need in order to make better decisions, than simply tell you what to do. Developing this autonomy is crucial because part of the process of losing weight and improving your health needs to involve figuring out how to […]

Menopause: Four Key Basics To Put In Place


Menopause seems to have come into the spotlight recently, and finally there is more good quality information available.

But, as with everything, a huge amount of information often overwhelms us. And while menopause certainly can be complicated, there are some key basics which are an important place to begin.

Self care is super important during menopause, and making sure we’re eating well and getting the right nutrients as well as adapting some lifestyle habits can provide long lasting benefits and make the transition through menopause easier.

So, here are four key things to put in place as the foundation […]

Some Thoughts On Calorie Counts On Menus


Bigger and chain restaurants now have to list calorie counts on their menus.

Have you had experience of the new menu styles yet? What do you think to the idea?

For me, there are some positives and some negatives.

I think for those of us who aren’t Bridget Jones and don’t know calorie counts better than the alphabet, it might be quite eye opening to see the calories for some of our favourite meals out. Wagamama is a great example of this – how is it even possible for a plate of noodles to near 1000 calories a portion […]

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