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What If You Have No Off-Switch?


Last week I wrote about how you can look at your food intake across a whole week rather than as a daily amount.

I said that you could take the appeal off ‘special food’ by allowing yourself a little of it a little more often, but that there are some foods which we just have no off-switch for, no matter what we try.

The truth is that there are no bad foods.

There are some foods you should satisfy your hunger with (real food!) and some you need to keep to a minimum (processed food) in order to keep […]

A Slightly Different Way of Keeping An Eye On What You Eat


Do you eat pretty well Monday to Friday and then go bonkers at the weekend?

Have you considered the fact that it’s most likely going to be Tuesday or Wednesday before you have lost the few pounds of weight you gained over the weekend (which almost certainly won’t actually be fat) and got back to where you were on Friday, and that you are cutting the available time to make progress towards your goal to only two or three days of the week? It’s a bit of a thought when you think it through like this, isn […]

A Fabulous Fish Pie Recipe


Time for a recipe!

I love a good fish pie. But it always seems off the menu when you’re trying to improve your health and lose weight.

Fish is a great thing to include in our diet, not least for the iodine which is needed for your thyroid gland to work properly, and which is a very common thing for us to be deficient in. Amongst a lot of other things, our thyroid controls our metabolism – the ‘speed’ our body works at – if your thyroid is working less than optimally, it’s likely to leave you feeling lethargic and […]

Do You Need To Eat MORE To Lose Weight?


In my last newsletter, we discussed the changes to make when you stop losing fat despite doing everything right.

For some people, they have cut their calories so low and increased their exercise so much, that the idea of going any further would leave them existing virtually on air alone, and with no time to do anything other than exercise.

This is where reverse dieting can be transformative.

If your diet is overall very good, but you are eating very few calories and seem to gain weight by going over on your intake just once, it is worth taking a […]

Why Fat Loss Stalls – And What To Do About It


You’ve been doing a great job of sticking to your workout routine and nutrition plan, the scales have been steadily going down and your jeans have been getting looser.

Then, suddenly, things grind to a halt and you find the things which were working have ceased to do so!

Instead of declaring yourself ‘beyond help’ and settling down to an afternoon of eating junk (I’ve never worked out why this feels so logical in the heat of the moment!), let’s take a second to look at what is likely going on and work out how to get […]

Why You Shouldn’t Exercise To Burn Calories


High intensity exercise classes. They’re pretty fun, the atmosphere is good, you get to have a chat with your friends while you’re there… And it feels almost safe, like you can stay somewhat hidden amongst the other people there, you’re not going to be put on the spot.

You burn plenty of calories during the class, you get a good sweat on, and it feels like you must have achieved loads.

Honestly though, this style of exercise is really not optimal. You do indeed burn lots of calories, but you’re stressing your system with such frequent […]

How Should You Eat Over Christmas?


Around this time of year, I tend to get a lot of questions about food and Christmas.

My answer is usually the same. One day of eating off-track is not going to make any difference in the long run. If you’re going to eat off-track, do it consciously and feel no guilt!

But as we all know, Christmas Day itself isn’t even the half of it. Add in the Advent calendar chocolate, the coffee shop Christmas specials, a few mince pies, several glasses of mulled wine and the leftovers after Christmas – you can easily have put […]

What’s For Dinner? A Recipe for Casablanca Chicken


I found this recipe on the Real Meal Revolution website. I love saffron so thought I’d give this a try – it was fabulous! Cooking chicken on the bone is great, especially when all the good stuff which escapes during cooking can be captured into a sauce.

This recipe should serve four and is going to take about 40 minutes to cook, plus a few minutes to chop some onion, crush some garlic and slice a lemon.

Casablanca Chicken

8 Chicken Thighs, bone in, skin on
1 tsp coconut oil
1 red onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 […]

Get Better More Quickly By Eating Better When You’re Poorly


It seems we’re in that time of year again – everyone seems to be coming down with a bug of some sort.

Instead of writing about how to boost your immune system, I thought you might find it useful to know how to boost your recovery when you’re poorly.

Good quality food is the most effective ‘medicine’ available to you when you’re suffering with a bug, or if you think you’ve got one brewing.

The first thing is to listen to your body. If you’re hungry, eat, if not – don’t.

Gut health is always at […]

What’s The Cost Of Being Absent Minded?


Have you ever thought about what we give up on when we accept another biscuit, or absent mindedly pour another glass of wine?

They’re only small things, of course, and if it was pretty infrequent it would make absolutely no different at all to our weight loss quest. But, if we accept a biscuit every day, pour a second and third glass of wine every Friday and Saturday and accept a pudding every time we go out for dinner; these small bits add up annoyingly quickly.

We’re choosing temporary pleasure over our goals.
When you give in to […]