Weight Loss Archives | Fitbiz Training

Semaglutide & Osteopenia


I thought we’d pick back up on the semaglutide topic, as there’s been a bit of negative press about it being linked with osteopenia.

Obviously, I’m not here to suggest that everyone should be taking a GLP-1 inhibitor, but I also don’t think it’s a bad thing for the right person, with the right support.

ANY diet which involves an extended period of a very low calorie intake, particularly if the protein intake is also low, will lead to nutrient deficiencies.

When you add a lack of strength exercise to the mix, your body […]

Are You Losing Body Fat? How Do You Know?


When you lose weight, it’s possible to lose the wrong kind of weight.

If we send the appropriate signals to our body, we can instruct our body to pare down our muscle mass in order to result in weight loss.

It might look great on the scales, but the chances of maintaining this kind of weight loss for the long term are pretty slim.

It’s also possible to send appropriate signals to our body to promote weight from body fat, while maintaining our muscle mass. This approach is superior for many, many reasons!

But, how do you know […]

Focus on Your Actions


Sticking with the theme of finding better ways to measure your success than analysing yourself in the mirror or standing on the scales, here’s another idea:

Focus on your actions, rather than the outcomes.

Of course, we’re usually looking for an outcome from the effort we put in to our health and fitness.

But ultimately, we cannot absolutely control what the outcome will be.

We know that by getting fitter, improving our mobility and eating more healthily, we’re going to head in the right direction – in fact, I’d argue that it would be impossible not to […]

Track These Areas Instead of Relying on the Scales


Following on from my last email about the shortcomings of using only the scales and mirror to gauge your progress towards your goals.

I have some better, simple, ideas for what you should assess in order to see how you’re doing. These areas should consistently improve as you go along – and they should stay around for the long term too.

This makes them really effective, encouraging and accurate at showing you how you’re doing. If one area isn’t improving, or starts heading backwards, then it’s a sign that you need to adapt you plan to get […]

Don’t Rely On The Scales To Gauge Your Progress


Happy New Year!

Have you read my latest post on the Facebook group? It’s about approaching your health and fitness goals in an approachable way – come along and take a look.

As you move towards your fitness goals this year, you’re going to want to assess how you’re doing – and I have some ideas which I think will be better than relying on just the scales and the mirror.

For today, let’s look at why the scales and mirror aren’t the best ways to gauge your progress, and next week I will explain the better […]

Have You Ever Considered A Weight Loss Supplement?


With all the talk about the GLP-1 inhibitors, I thought it might be handy to look at the easier to access, older school weight loss supplements.

Some of these supplements make some really bold claims!

But regardless of the marketing, the simple basic truth is that we will only lose weight if we use more energy than we eat. Our body then makes up the difference between energy need and energy consumption with stored energy – which we hope is fat.

And if we’re eating too much energy, it has to go somewhere – perhaps into heating your body, producing […]

Are You Accidentally Slowing Your Metabolism?


If you’re consistently doing these things, then you probably are sending signals to your body to slow your metabolism down:

Eating less
Using cardio as your primary exercise
Skipping meals

I’ve met so many people over the years who do these things when they’re trying to lose weight. And quite reasonably so! This is pretty much the recipe we’re sold for weight loss.

But, the trouble is that it’s a race to the bottom.

Eating less and exercising more requires you to keep reducing your food intake and increasing your energy output in order to […]

What Do You Need For Your Body To Change?


We all want quick results from our weight loss plan. We, quite reasonably, want to see confirmation that the effort we’re putting in is worth it.

But this can draw us to unnecessarily extreme diets, which might work in the short term if you can battle your way through, but in the longer term simply make the weight loss harder to come by.

So with this in mind, these are my top tips for getting your body to change without doing anything extreme.

In fact, despite the fact that they’re not going to be anything you haven’t […]

Losing Weight When Life Is Busy


It’s really easy to fall off the wagon when life is busy, but I have some tips for you to help you keep heading towards your weight loss goals when time is short.

Don’t seek perfection
This applies to both diet and exercise. Keep turning up and doing the best you can today.

Plan in advance
Note down a few breakfasts, lunches and snacks which you can keep the ingredients for at home. Don’t over complicate your choices – just remember how important both protein and fibre are, and how many excess calories you can save by simply […]

Gaining a Long Term Relationship with Exercise


I think that the way we approach exercise has a bearing on how likely we are to create a long term relationship with it.

Let’s think about how most people approach exercise.

It’s with a dislike of a particular body part, a desire to punish themselves for whatever sins against body-perfection they feel they have committed. Often the exercise routine is either “full speed ahead” or “totally off” – there’s usually no middle ground with this approach.

It’s quite a stressful situation from all angles.

It’s not really using exercise as a partner to improve […]

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