I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.
It’s probably not news that there are certain things in life that we can control, and certain things that we can’t control.
Things you can control are obvious – like what clothes you wear – and things you can’t control are obvious too – like the weather.
But whether you’re in control of some things, especially those relating to changing your lifestyle, can be seen as a matter of opinion.
Think about the results you would like to achieve in terms of lifestyle change, nutrition and fitness.
Do you believe that you have an impact on whether you can make the changes you need in order to see those results?
Or do you believe you are simply at the mercy of what is going on around you and that you can only make changes if the stars all line up to make them happen?
Now, hopefully with a clear head and without being in the pressure cooker of a difficult environment, you know that you are indeed the controller of changes and therefore, you are totally in charge of the results you see.
Sometimes, this can be a bit of an uncomfortable truth.
It is obvious that you cannot bring everything you need to improve your health and fitness entirely into your own control. There will always be social events (well, less so at the minute!), there will always be temptations, people will bring you delicious gifts, you’ll be climbing the walls for chocolate – and so on.
But none of these uncontrollables mean that you have no power over what happens next. You can still take charge of your own destiny and be in charge of the outcomes you see.
It is not usually easy. Life puts you in pressure cookers of situations and sticking to your guns in order to achieve the results you’re looking for can be really tough.
Humans tend to want to choose instant gratification over long term reward – it’s just the way we are wired. Chocolate now, or smaller love handles in the future? Chocolate please.
You have two choices in almost every situation, and while the choice should be easy in theory, it rarely is in the heat of the moment. But, with practice, determination and commitment to the cause, you can strengthen your willpower and change how you react to situations which would usually pull you off course.
You can’t control that there will be social events, but you can control how you react to them.
You can’t control that there will be temptations, cravings and days where you just don’t care. But, you can have plans in place for how to negotiate these times.
The more you can bring these occasions into your own control, the more you have control over your outcomes.
The secret? Plan. Decide in advance how things are going to go. Don’t just drift in and hope for the best. Commit to the outcomes you want to see and spend some time making a proper, realistic, well thought out plan for how you will make the best of a situation.
It is much harder to go back on a proper plan than it is to accept the extra glass of wine when you’ve only decided in advance to ‘not drink too much’.