Static Stretching Before Your Workouts


Do you do static stretches before a workout?

We’ve all warmed up for an exercise session by puttingĀ a muscle into a longer position and holding still.

This is a static stretch – you’re stretching and not moving.

But did you know that this kind of stretching actually increases your risk of injury?

This is because static stretching is great for switching muscles off… And it’s not a great idea to relax a muscle you’re about to use or rely on during a workout!

Instead, mobility drills are way more effective as a warm up.

A decent mobility drill will help to fire up your body and get everything working together and ready for the upcoming exercise.

A mobility drill can be unique to your body and to the particular workout you’re doing today.

And, good mobility practice doesn’t just relate to today’s workout – it will actually improve your mobility / flexibility overall!

Static stretches don’t have to be outlawed, they certainly have a place. You can use them to improve your flexibility when you want to be calm and switch off – perhaps at the end of a workout rather than at the beginning.

Static stretches can even have a place in a warm up for the right reason. Sometimes they’re a handy way to release a super tight muscle in order to ‘get it out of the way’ for your workout.

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