The Great News About Being New To Exercise!


I’ve added a bit of a “part two” to this won the Facebook group – if you’d like to read it, you can read it here. See the post from 26th September 2023.

Getting started with a structured exercise routine can be a different experience to, say, getting into the habit of going for a regular walk.

The routine is only one part; it often feels like there’s a lot to learn – associating the names of exercises with the how-to can feel like you’re learning a new language!

But the great news when you’re starting from this place of inexperience is that your body will respond super quickly to what you’re asking it to do.

The adaptation you’re asking will begin pretty quickly, and with less exercise than you probably expected.

Often, only one or two sets of a particular movement pattern is enough to create change in your body at first.
This is one of the reasons that the very first program I write for a new client without any particular exercise experience is often pretty short and simple.

We capitalise on your bodies ability to quickly adapt while laying down a foundation both in movement skill and in maintaining a routine.

So, if you’re keen to get started with a structured exercise routine, don’t worry about whether you have the time, or whether you’ll be able to do the exercises – just turn up, do what you can do, lay the foundations, and build on them with time.

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