My New Favourite Statistic


I posted something in the new Facebook group last week which is my new favourite fact.

Apparently the average age we feel the happiest with our bodies is… 74!

I love this. So many people spend so much of their life feeling unhappy in their bodies and I think this statistic has the potential to free us from this feeling.

While the tide is definitely changing and images we are shown are more ‘real’ and less airbrushed, a huge majority of us still feel the pressure to look a certain way and to be able to maintain the same look throughout our lives.

The good news is that it seems that as we age, we finally learn to accept our bodies as they are. Acceptance doesn’t mean not caring any more or giving up – it means that it becomes less important to have the ‘perfect body’, and we begin to value the way our body works and feels over the way it looks.

What do you think?

Would you have an easier time if you could gain this acceptance sooner?

What would happen if you worried less about how your body looked, and instead spent more time considering things like your energy levels, your digestion, your mobility and strength?

What if your goals became to FEEL good in your body?

What if you allowed the changes which happen to your figure as part of this approach to just be a side effect and not the overall intention?

I think we would find eating well and maintaining a good exercise routine easier. These actions would start to come from a different place. The desire to maintain or improve the way we function has a different feeling than when we are trying to punish ourselves for not looking a certain way. I’ve seen this happen with many clients over the years.

I’d love to know what you think.

And if this sounds like a happier approach to health and fitness, but you have no idea how to start, let’s chat.

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