Sometimes, life has an annoying habit of getting in the way. Something can pull you off track and before you know it, all the hard work you’ve put in to creating an exercise and healthy eating routine has slipped away completely and you’re back to where you started.
Having to repeatedly pick yourself up from the same start point over and over again is a really disheartening cycle to find yourself in, and it is no surprise that at some point so many people think ‘what’s the point in trying’.
What I’d love you to know is that you don’t have to have everything figured out in order to move forward and achieve what you want to achieve.
I love the phrase “eat your elephant one bite at a time”. It means don’t get overwhelmed by the length of the journey ahead of you and instead, just go one day at a time and make the best decision you can on that day.
With the best will in the world, things will go wrong sometimes and when they do, you have a turning point. How will you react? Will you figure out how to get through in the best way you can, or will you throw the towel in and quit?
There is no magical secret which you don’t know. Everyone has problems, everyone is rushed off their feet sometimes, everyone lacks knowledge or practice at achieving their goals, everyone gets derailed with an injury – etc.
You can choose to not let any of these things pull you off course any more than is necessary.
Things don’t have to be either all or nothing.
You can choose a middle ground – and that can still lead to success!
Remember consistency is more important than perfection.
Do your best, be good enough and also realise that is it totally fine just to coast for a while until you are ready to move forward again.
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good!
You can always make progress, even if things are not as perfect as you would like them to be.
Here’s a great example of putting all of this into practice.
One of my lovely clients is having a tough time. It would be completely understandable to every single person reading this if she’d inhaled a box of I’m-having-a-rubbish-day chocolates and completely given up on her workout plan. But she hasn’t.
A long time ago, we’d talked about what we might do if life got in the way, and now that forward planning has come in handy.
She’s taken the pressure off herself to stick to her plan, but is still committed to doing some kind of activity. She’s also chosen to remove the effort needed to eat on-plan by choosing easier meals which still pretty much tick the boxes. She recognises that even though this might not be a long term strategy, when she comes out the other side, she knows she’s going to be ready to move forward from where she left off.
I hope you find all of this useful and inspiring. Turn up and do your best – consistently. And if you’d like some help figuring it all out, please get in touch.