Gaining a Long Term Relationship with Exercise


I think that the way we approach exercise has a bearing on how likely we are to create a long term relationship with it.

Let’s think about how most people approach exercise.

It’s with a dislike of a particular body part, a desire to punish themselves for whatever sins against body-perfection they feel they have committed. Often the exercise routine is either “full speed ahead” or “totally off” – there’s usually no middle ground with this approach.

It’s quite a stressful situation from all angles.

It’s not really using exercise as a partner to improve your health; and this makes it really hard to find a long term friend with exercise.

Yet if we approach exercise in a more balanced and reasonable way, we’re able to better support our body and health, as well as making it easier to do the things we want to do in life.

We’re able to reach fitness targets, through understanding of the process and not through punishment.

And if we need to break our usual routine, perhaps because of stress, injury or even a holiday, we can adapt our exercise routine to suit our body as it is at that time and again use exercise as a tool to support our health. There’s no real all or nothing.

And this is the key to long term success with exercise.

What does a healthy relationship with exercise look like to you?

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