I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.
I had several replies to the message I sent last week about how to make change stick.
Specifically about point three, which reminded us that we all make our own choices – no one else is making them for us.
I was really pleased that you found that as empowering as I hoped!
You know,
The bottom line is that no one is responsible for what you eat apart from you.
Of course there are days where you’re eating at someone else’s house and they have made the decisions for what you’re going to eat – but be honest, how often are you genuinely in this situation?
This is not to say that there is blame lying at your door. This hate approach to losing weight never works – you can’t hate yourself into making choices which will help you lose weight.
Instead, it means losing weight is absolutely in your control. You can make the decision to make a change, and you can see it through.
Of course, it most certainly isn’t easy, but by taking one step at a time, small victories become big victories.
Have the confidence to get started, just begin with one change which sounds very easy to you, and go from there.