Are You (Unintentionally!) Ignoring Your Progress?


First up, if you haven’t already, please come and join my new Facebook Group – it’s full of practical advice and ideas to think about when working on your health and fitness.

If your goal is to lose weight, and you’re only focussing on what the scales tell you – I think you might be selling yourself short.

You see, when you’re eagerly seeking weight loss, it can be easy to get disheartened when you don’t see an immediate change on the scales.

We can become convinced that nothing is changing, and this can contribute in no small part to the on:off cycle so many of us have with our health and fitness plans.

But, if you make a point of noticing some of the other positives which come alongside making improvements to our health and fitness, then that’s likely to help you stay on course.

You could start monitoring the fit of your clothes, or even get the tape measure out.

But also, you could consider the many other positives which come alongside making improvements to our health and fitness – things like:

Improved energy
Better sleep quality
Clearer skin
Less joint pain
Better flexibility / mobility
Feeling fitter and stronger
Being in a better mood more often

You might even notice specifics which you hadn’t considered before…. The one I hear most often relates to being able to tie one’s shoelaces more easily!

Likewise, what about other non-outcome based positives you’re likely to be seeing – things like:

Sticking to a routine
Eating more veggies
Getting 10,000 steps a day consistently
Doing two workouts a week

To almost every client I’ve ever worked with, these things are as important as the weight loss goal – it’s just that we often don’t notice these other positives which come with improving our nutrition and exercise routines, until we see the changes we’re so focussed on seeing on the scales.

Keep finding positive associations between what you’re doing and the whole picture of the results you’re experiencing. This will help you feel inclined to stay the course for the long term.

Remember, if you haven’t already, please come and join my new Facebook group.

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