Are You Considering Using Ozempic?


It’s interesting to see that ozempic / semaglutide is gaining so much traction all of a sudden – and (this is likely not what you’re expecting me to say) I think perhaps it might be one of the safer weight loss aids.

In fact, I think peptides in generalĀ could become big news over the coming years. There’s talk about various peptides helping digestive issues, joint issues, reducing pain, slowing ageing – and many other things too. But for now, in the UK, they’re fringe at best, and considered as for research purposes only!

Back to semaglutide.

I really don’t think there’s a magic pill, or injection, for losing weight for the long term.

But, if you can use semaglutide to help make it easier for you to make genuine lifestyle changes, then I think it just might have real and genuine value for some people.

If you’re using it just as a magic ‘trick’ to lose weight quickly however, and then plan to carry on as usual, then it’s probably not going to turn out to be much better for the long term than crash diets or the like.

There are all sorts of considerations with how to eat and exercise while you’re taking it; the appetite limiting impacts can be pretty major so you need to plan your food intake carefully, and make sure your workout program is appropriate too.

If you’re interested in semaglutide and peptides, please do reply to this email and let me know – I’ll happily write more about it if it’s something some of you are interested in.

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