Are Your Habits & Routines Helping You Reach Your Goals?


You can’t help but have habits and routines. Often, they happen naturally – I don’t think they can be avoided!

But the habits you have and the routines you put in place for yourself have the ability to make or break your health and fitness journey, and so, I think it is worth creating some well thought out routines too.

You see, your habits and routines can either distract you and create all kinds of mental battles, or they can help you achieve your goals.

Good routines are not restrictive, they actually provide freedom from the emotional turmoil of eternally second guessing your decisions!

Let’s say you have a habit of not making breakfast, instead, preferring to buy it on the hoof. You’re setting yourself up for a mental battle every morning – you have to make a point of choosing the right thing from the shop every day, and you have to fight with yourself about the various not-goal aligning options available.

Instead, if you created a habit of making your own breakfast, then you don’t need to open the door to these difficult questions.

It’s worth having a think about all of this and seeing where there might be some changes you’d like to make.

Remember that you don’t have to be perfect; just doing average stuff consistently will get you better results than excellent routines which you put into action infrequently.

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