Losing Weight When Life Is Busy


It’s really easy to fall off the wagon when life is busy, but I have some tips for you to help you keep heading towards your weight loss goals when time is short.

Don’t seek perfection
This applies to both diet and exercise. Keep turning up and doing the best you can today.

Plan in advance
Note down a few breakfasts, lunches and snacks which you can keep the ingredients for at home. Don’t over complicate your choices – just remember how important both protein and fibre are, and how many excess calories you can save by simply avoiding low nutrition processed food.

You can do the same for dinner too, but if you prefer a bit more variety in your evening meals, then perhaps you’d prefer to plan for a week at a time?

Use resistance training
For getting the most out of the time you have available, resistance training wins hands down

Aim for shorter exercise sessions
You don’t need an hours workout for it to be effective; a short routine done a few times a week can be enough to create change in your body. Bonus points if your workout can be done from home with no kit. When life is busy, we have to break down the barriers to help you stay consistent. Remember perfection is not necessary!

Prioritise sleep
Don’t find yourself aimlessly scrolling through your phone at 11pm – get to bed a little earlier than usual. You’ll be really surprised by what a positive impact can be made on all fronts by consistently prioritising your sleep.

Manage stress
This is much easier said than done when life is busy, but do try to plan in a few things that you find restorative across the week. This doesn’t necessarily need to involve finding extra time, even a good sing along in the car can work some magic!

Be consistent!
Always aim for consistency over perfection. This applies to both diet and exercise. Keep turning up!

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