The Magic of Diets


Whatever diet you can think of (or, perhaps, that you have tried) works in the same way – there’s not really anything magical about any diet.

They all work to create a calorie deficit.

The same is true whether you’re following a low carb or low fat plan, or if you’re trying intermittent fasting. Likewise, slimming clubs, meal replacement shakes and even the cabbage soup diet – they all work to create a calorie deficit. No magic. It’s the deficit which creates the weight loss.

You could eat only chocolate and still lose weight, as long as you’re creating a calorie deficit.

For me, it gets different when you consider how you might feel while you’re following any of these diets…. And what the chances are that they’re creating habits which will last for life – and take your long term health into consideration too!

But beyond that, for all the complexity in the weight loss world, creating a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight.

The thing to do is to pick what works for you and which fits into your lifestyle.

You must also consider whether the approach you’re picking is going to work for you for the long term. Are you going to do this for the rest of your life? Does it allow for a bit of flexibility? And what happens if you’re doing it to the best of your ability but you’re still not at your target?

Remember that short term, quick fixes very rarely work in the long term.

You’ve got to go through the journey and learn the skills along the way if you’re to make changes to last you for life.

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