We managed the Online Personal Training Demonstration video call on Saturday without a hitch – thank you to those of you who listened live, I really appreciate your support.
I did record the call, so if you missed the live call but would still like to see what Online Personal Training looks like, please let me know and I will gladly send you the recording.
Please could I ask a favour of you?
I really want to keep providing useful information to you via this mailing list.
Would you reply to this message and tell me how I can best help you at this time? What can I send you information about which would help you with your health and fitness in this new world?
I’d really appreciate your thoughts.
For today, I have a testimonial to share with you from Priyanga. She and I started working together almost three years ago:
Working with Heather is one of the best decisions I’ve made!
My goals were improving my whole body strength and making sure my posture was good. I’m in my 40s, so I’d heard that muscle tone and strength starts to decrease and I want to stay as strong and mobile as I can for as long as I can.
Weight loss wasn’t a priority for me, but it happened anyway – in a healthy way.
The thing I like most about Heather is she manages to be realistic and optimistic at the same time.
She’s an incredibly positive person without being overbearing and she’s working from a deep knowledge and understanding that she can deploy very effectively.
She understands the demands of family life and work life and was able to create and adapt programs of diet, nutrition and exercise to my varying work hours, when I had to work away from home and when I had a surgical procedure and needed to build up afterwards.
She also is a mine of knowledge about sleep, food and body health- and her knowledge is factually based on current studies (very glad she’s reading them so I don’t have to!)
I can’t recommend Heather more highly. I have got the physical results I wanted by following her programs with the added bonus of body confidence, healthy eating habits for life and general well being.